Teachers can play a critical role in helping students understand their responses to the disturbances we are presently facing. They can also move through the feelings of their students and help them come out of their inner feelings and inner potential
Help students to acknowledge their feelings
Educators may encourage students to fully experience the feelings and physical sensations—tightness, tension, or numbness. Healing will definitely occur when a person accepts and moves through the emotions of fear, anger, and sadness to integrate a new reality, understanding what has been lost.
For younger students ( 5 - 12 years): Young kids don’t have words to express these feelings. They may absorb anxiety they sense around them and exhibit their mood swings; happily engaging during one minute and acting out irritably the next.
Allow these younger students to express their grief, listening without offering quick solutions or telling them how to feel. Calm their fears without minimizing their emotions. Respond honestly to questions—and admit when you don’t know the answers. Encourage conversations, play and shift physical outlets with symbolic activities such as yoga, drawings and stories. Be patient, nurturing and consistent.
For older students (13 – 16 years): As they get older, children understand more and try to make meaning of what’s happening. Some are better than others at expressing emotions. Many repress their feelings or be in denial, appearing OK when they really are not. While few others exhibiting addictive or self-destructive behavior.
Let us as educators give them a platform to express their grief and space to process feelings. Listen patiently without judgment. Give straightforward answers. Build trust using ground rules for compassionate and safe interactions. Adjust remote learning expectations to their specific needs.
Children of all ages can be supported to express emotions—even anger and frustration—in healthy ways, developing a language to describe feelings and identifying physical sensations associated with them
Give them the following sheet and ask them to respond at their convenience within stipulated time.
Dear students
We deeply care about you and are happy for being a part of your day-to-day life to acknowledge your feelings. Please take few minutes to answer each of the questions which will help us to have a better idea on how best we can support you
Student Name: __________ Grade Level: _____________
How are you doing?
(write in brief)
How are you staying socially connected? (tick the appropriate ones)
Instagram Video Chats Texting
Facebook Phone calls Other :
How often are you connecting with friends with one-to-one communication?
Less than 15 min per day Up to an hour a day
More than an hour a day
Who do you connect with on social media or calling/Facetime/etc.?
Friends Family Teachers No one
How much do you feel you have an outlet to express yourself?
(1-5) 1= not at all 5= as much as I need
Do you have access to nature or outdoor space near your home ?
Yes No
What has been the best thing since the school closure?
What has been the most difficult thing since the school closure?
What sort of things / activities are bringing you a sense of comfort or safety these days?
What do you do when you’re feeling concerned, anxious, or upset?
What does home life look like for you?
What does your daily routine include?
Gaming Social media Reading Exercising Eating/cooking Sleeping
Helping parents Academics Online lessons Other_______
What are your responsibilities at home?
Caring for siblings Daily works Cooking
Caring for elders Other
What is included in your work/study space at home?
My own study table
Sharing with sibling
Use the kitchen platform
A computer table
Supplies (highlighters, Post-its, pens, pencils) I don’t have a study space
Other : …..
How much family activity and/or distraction occurs in your work/study space?
(1-5) 1= no distraction 5= constant disruption
How many people are in your home during the school closure ? (including yourself)
If you have online devices, please tick the devices that you can actively use to communicate with your teachers and peers.
Smartphone Laptop Desktop
iPad/tablet Other
How able are you to communicate and do schoolwork online? (On a scale of 1 to 5)
1= Not at all—I have no access 5= 24/7—I have constant access
Do you need a computer?
Yes No
What types of art and craft materials are available to you?
Which staff members from our school do you would feel most comfortable talking with?
Is there anything else you want us to know so that we can support you during the school closure?
Name of the teacher :
School Name :