I. Expertise :
a. A mastery of body of knowledge, including an understanding of broad conceptual and theoretical elements in their subject
b. Understanding and appreciation of current issues, debates, methodologies, research and creative work in the major field of knowledge studied in the respective subject
II. General intellectual skills and capacities
a. A capacity for critical, conceptual and reflective thinking
b. An intellectual openness and curiosity
c. Capacity for creativity and originality
d. Intellectual integrity, respect for truth and for the ethics of research activity
e. Ability to undertake and analyze both qualitative and quantitative information
f. Ability to make appropriate use of advanced information and communication technologies
III. Personal qualities
a. Love of enjoyment of ideas, discovery and learning
b. Ability to present independently and work in collaboration with others
c. Self – disciplined
d. An ability to plan and achieve personal and professional goals
e. Ability to be leaders in their communities and willingness to engage in constructive public discourse and to accept social and civic responsibilities
f. Respect for the values of other individuals and groups and an appreciation of human and cultural diversity