With lot of respect I appreciate and salute all the educators across the world who relentlessly continue to take on the unique challenges thrown on them during this pandemic crisis. Our children’s learning would have been in a stake had they not taken up this great task with care and concern
- They accepted the challenge of going through digital transformation overnight by hiding their fear towards the technical usage with “a smile on their face”
- They welcomed their house for public viewing during the visual learning by “suppressing their inhibitions”, forgoing their privacy for the sake of children
- They took up the challenge of doing the visual learning with no or unlimited resources by “working overnight for the next day lesson”
- They started worrying about their “own families”.
- They were ready to face the need of “teaching parents” too who were watching them closely over the shoulder of children. Undeterred they went ahead to take their every little movement without losing their voice modulation, pronunciation, grammar usage, dress code and love towards their students
They took up all these because the children’s learning is at stake. My heart is filled with appreciation and it is running out of words. I salute them from bottom of my heart. I am speechless
- Raghuram Malladi